s 0Miles (short), 150 Miles(medium), and 300 Miles (long).
One of the disadvantages of solar cells is that electricity storage systems are not readily available. Excess energy generated by the solar panels are wasted except they are stored by solar batteries for later use. There are various systems for storing electricity from solar cells apart from solar batteries which is the common storage system. An example of another electricity storage system for solar cell is using the water electrolyzer to store solar energy which can be used to later generate hydroelectricity.
Advantages of a solar cell includes Renewable energy, Economy-friendly and environmental-friendly energy and good durability
Answer:The Urban heat island temperature will be REDUCED.
Two Impacts of Rooftop gardens
1) provision of shade against Sunlight.
2) It helps to purify the air around the building.
Explanation: Rooftop gardens are gardens made on top of the roofs of buildings, it is a Green initiative aimed at helping to improve the overall Environment.
Rooftop gardens have several significant benefits which includes
Reduction of the surrounding temperatures and the Urban heat Island temperatures.
Rooftop gardens helps to shade the roof from the direct impacts of harsh weather conditions.
Generally, plants are known as air purifiers as they remove the excess Carbondioxide around the environment through photosynthesis, and they also help to release water vapor which will help to improve the humidity of the environment.
(a) 0.12924
(b) Taking into consideration significance level of 0.05 yet the value of p is greater than 0.05, it suggests that the coin is fair hence the coin can be used at the beginning of any sport event.
n=200 for fair coin getting head, p= 0.5
Expectation = np =200*0.5=100
Variance = np(1 - p) = 100(1-0.5)=100*0.5=50
Standard deviation,
Z value for 108,
P( x ≥108) = P( z >1.13)= 0.12924
Taking into consideration significance level of 0.05 yet the value of p is greater than 0.05, it suggests that the coin is fair hence the coin can be used at the beginning of any sport event.
It can provide measurements of stars with a higher angular resolution than is possible with conventional telescopes.