Menthol (M 156.3 g/mol), the strong-smelling substance in many cough drops, is a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. When 0.1595 g of menthol was bunted in a combustion apparatus. 0.449 g of CO_2 and 0.184 g of H_2 O formed.
I would agree with the second one, not the first. You can't always see the chemical reaction, and it isn't always sudden. But the second claim is true.
Spores in the air or contamination through some sort of insect interaction. In an open system, there are billions of microbial agents floating around. With an open container containing a food source and time, the likelihood of contamination is nearly %100.
It is not true that this is an example of a chemical reaction. This is a typical example of physical reaction.
Most physical changes are often phase changes.
- A phase change is a change in the physical state of a body.
- In this change, it is from solid to liquid.
- Now new substances are formed.
- When substances are changed from one form to another, it is a physical change.
In a chemical change, a new substance is formed at the end of the process.