<em>In order from largest to smallest these terms are:</em>
<em>In order from largest to smallest these terms are:Universe</em>
<em>In order from largest to smallest these terms are:UniverseGalaxy</em>
<em>In order from largest to smallest these terms are:UniverseGalaxySolar system</em>
<em>In order from largest to smallest these terms are:UniverseGalaxySolar systemStar</em>
<em>In order from largest to smallest these terms are:UniverseGalaxySolar systemStarPlanet</em>
<em>In order from largest to smallest these terms are:UniverseGalaxySolar systemStarPlanetMoon</em>
<em>In order from largest to smallest these terms are:UniverseGalaxySolar systemStarPlanetMoonAsteroid</em>
<em>In order from largest to smallest these terms are:UniverseGalaxySolar systemStarPlanetMoonAsteroidWe can generally say that a Moon is larger than an asteroid however some moons are quite large while others are smaller than many known asteroids. Asteroids are small rocky bodies that orbit the Sun, while moons are objects that orbit planets. Jupiter and Saturn have attracted many objects out of the asteroid belt and gathered them as moons.</em>
Supposing velocity is speed and direction, and momentum is mass*velocity, if the velocity increases by a factor of 5, then so should the momentum regardless of the whole space thing.