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According to Newton's second law of motion, the acceleration of a body is proportional to the net external force that acts on the body.
A body accelerated when it is acted upon by an unbalanced net external force.
When the external forces acting on a body are balanced, the effect of each force is cancelled by the other hence the body is not accelerated according to Newton's second law.
Kinetic energy is movement, thus movement would be a characteristic that allows an object to have kinetic energy
The pitch of a sound wave is the perceived frequency of a sound wave.
The quality of sound that makes it discernible to the ear is the pitch.
- Sound wave is a longitudinal wave that is transmitted by series of rarefaction and compression.
- Pitch helps to distinguish between the different sound qualities.
- Pitch is how high or low sound is perceived.
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Sound wave
Microphones are a type of transducer - a device which converts energy from one form to another. Microphones convert acoustical energy (sound waves) into electrical energy (the audio signal). Different types of microphone have different ways of converting energy but they all share one thing in common: The diaphragm.