s 0Miles (short), 150 Miles(medium), and 300 Miles (long).
<h2>Generator </h2>
A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
<u>Software Development and Client Needs</u>
In Incremental method of software development customers who do not have a basic idea of the development process are being carried along on like other methods that will relegate them to the background until a product is ready.
With this model and structure in place, when softwares/ products are built from several stages e.g prototype, testing, and when new features are added customers are always carried along with their valuable feedback and suggested greatly considered to achieve the customers satisfactions
This model will work well for the customers/clients who does not have a clear idea on the systems needed for their operations.
In summary the incremental model combines features from the waterfall and prototyping model.
For more information on soft ware development process kindly visit
The following criteria are commonly used for classifying groups as gangs: The group has three or more members, generally aged 12–24. Members share an identity, typically linked to a name, and often other symbols. Members view themselves as a gang, and they are recognized by others as a gang.