There are a total of 6 states and 3 bits in this problem. Whenever the Reset button is pressed, RESET state is called otherwise the state according to the diagram is called. For the combination to be "01011", the input sequence has to be in the same order. If 0 is pressed instead of 1 in state "010", the last state of output ending with 0 will be called and likewise in all the states that follow.
Air fuel ratio:
Air fuel ratio is the ratio of mass of air to the mass of fuel.So we can say that

As we know that fuel burn in the presence of air that is why we have to maintain a proper amount of air fuel ratio.
When we need more power then we have supply more fuel and to burn this fuel ,require a specified amount of air.So for different loading condition of engine different air fuel ratio is required.
When air is less and fuel is more then it is called rich air fuel ratio .when air is more and fuel is less then it is called poor air fuel ratio.
The correct answer is A; True.
Further Explanation:
This is a correct phrase that is important to learn when owning any type of vehicle. When a car battery is dead, it can usually be jump started by using another cars battery or a portable battery charger. It is extremely important to put the positive battery cable on the positive battery post. Then the negative cable will be placed on the negative car battery post and the negative ground wire can be anywhere on the car except on the battery.
The car needs to be connected properly for a few minutes before trying to start the car. This helps the car battery to get enough "juice" to start. If the battery cables are placed wrong this can cause sparks to come out of the cables/battery and cause bodily harm.
Learn more about car batteries at
For ligation process the 1:3 vector to insert ratio is the good to utilize . By considering that we can take 1 ratio of vector and 3 ratio of insert ( consider different insert size ) and take 10 different vials of ligation ( each calculated using different insert size from low to high ) and plot a graph for transformation efficiency and using optimum transformation efficiency we can find out the insert size.