Boiling Water is a physical change. When water gets to a certain temperature, it's boiling point starts.
The heliocentric theory was better supported by data explaining the rotation of the planets and other bodies in the solar system.
The periodic table is composed of seven horizontal rows or periods and is numbered between 1 and 7. There is a regular gradation in the properties of elements in the horizontal rows(periods) from left to right. The periodic table is composed of eight vertical columns or groups. They are numbered between 1 to 8.
b Fuel for fusion reactors can be extracted from ocean water.
The fuel is deuterium, which makes up 0.02% of the hydrogen atoms in water. The oceans contain more than a billion cubic kilometres of water, so that's a lot of deuterium.
a is wrong. The fuel for fusion reactors is deuterium.
c is wrong. There is much research, but there are no large-scale fusion reactors in operation.
d is wrong. Fusion reactors do not produce radioactive waste as spent fuel. Most of the radioactive waste would be the reactor core itself.