It is
1 Answer. The volume is 37.0 cm3Au .
The kinetic energy is the same as the potential energy of raising it 40cm (0.4m). That's mgh where m is mass of ball. Its then 3.924*m, whatever m is equal to in kg.
Same frequency, shorter wavelength
The speed of a wave is given by

f = Frequency
= Wavelength
It can be seen that the wavelength is directly proportional to the velocity.
Here the frequency of the sound does not change.
But the velocity of the sound in air is slower.
Hence, the frequency remains same and the wavelength shortens.
So the ratio will be 
We have given heat engine absorbs 450 joule from high temperature reservoir
As the heat engine expels 290 j
So work done W = 290 J
We know that efficiency 
It is given that efficiency of the engine only 55 % of Carnot engine
So efficiency of Carnot engine 
Efficiency of Carnot engine is 

%d is a format specifier that is a placeholder for an int value. It tells the compiler that we want to print an integer value that is present in variable a. In this way there are several format specifiers in c.