When the uneven burning of the fuel takes place due to the incorrect air/fuel mixture inside the engine cylinder, a knocking sound is observed. This is called as the engine knocking.
When the uneven burning of the fuel takes place due to the incorrect air/fuel mixture inside the engine cylinder, a knocking sound is observed. This is called as the engine knocking.
The engine knock problem can be caused due to the following reason
a) When the octane rating of the fuel used is low.
b) The deposition of the carbon around the cylinder walls takes place.
c) The spark plug used in the vehicle is not correct.
Tech A
The amount of energy required to apply the same force with a 1:1 ratio is divided into 4, so you can apply 4 times as much force than a 1:1 ratio. efficiency and speed come into play here, but assuming the machine powering the gear can run at a unlimited RPM, 4:1 will have more force and a slower output speed than a 2:1 ratio.
a. Rockwell 3. hardness
b. Instron 2. stress vs strain
c. Charpy 1. impact strength
d. Fatigue 4. Endurance Limit
e. Brinell 3. hardness
f. Izod 1. impact strength
Izod and Charpy are the impact strength testing procedure of a material in which a heavy hammer is attached to an arm is released to impact on the test specimen. In Izod test the specimen with v-notch is held vertical with the notch facing outward while in Charpy test the specimen is supported horizontally with notch facing inward to the impacting hammer.
Instron testing system does universal testing of the material which gradually applies the load recording all the stresses and the corresponding strains until the material fails.
Fatigue is the property of a material due to which it fails under the repeated cyclic loading by the initiation and propagation of cracks. The property of a material resist failure subjected to infinite number of repeated cyclic loads below a certain stress limit.
Rockwell and Brinell are the hardness testing methods. In Rockwell test an intender ball is firstly pressed against the specimen using minor load for a certain time and then a major load is pressed against it for a certain time. After the intender is removed the depth of impression on the surface is measured while in case of Brinell hardness we apply only one load against the intender ball for a certain time and after its removal the radius of impression is measured.
Technician B is right say that hard water potting i usually jut a Surface problem that can be wahed off.
What do you mean by Hard water?
The amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water determines its hardness. Calcium and magnesium are the main dissolved minerals in hard water. The last time you washed your hands, you might have actually felt the effects of hard water.
What do you mean by acid rain?
Any type of precipitation that contains acidic elements, such as sulfuric or nitric acid, that falls to the ground from the atmosphere in wet or dry forms is referred to as acid rain, also known as acid deposition. Rain, snow, fog, hail, and even acidic dust can fall under this category.
Some plants are sensitive to excessive moisture around their root zone, so it may be necessary to increase drainage when growing plants in pots. Additionally, standing water at the bottom of the pot can cause root rot.
Many university agriculture extension agencies have thoroughly debunked the old garden myth that adding rocks to the bottom of a pot will increase drainage.
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