<h3>JAWAB SECEPATNYA pliss</h3><h3 /><h3>Anda memiliki rangkaian paralel 10 volt, dengan 2 resistor di atasnya. Berapakah tegangan pada</h3><h3>resistor pertama? Di seberang kedua?</h3><h3 /><h3>(saya akan menandai tercerdas tolong bantu)</h3>
Hukum Ohm
= tegangan
= kuat arus
= ketahanan
Kalau kamu mau mencari tegangan listrik, kamu gunakan rumus V = I.R. Kalau ternyata kamu perlu mencari kuat arus listrik, maka gunakan rumus I = V/R. Nah, kalau yang kamu cari adalah hambatan listrik, maka gunakan rumus R = V/I.
(D) The gravitational force between the astronaut and the asteroid.
All the other forces given in the options, except (D), doesn't account for the motion of the astronaut. They are the forces that act between nucleons or atoms and neither of them accounts for an objects motion.
Answer: The machine must apply the force over a shorter distance. That's because a machine doesn't change the amount of work and work equals force times distance. Therefore, if force increases, distance must decrease