Macronutrients are simply nutrients the body needs in a very high amount e.g Carbohydrate.
MicroNutrients are simply nutrients the body needs but in little amount e.g Minerals.
So for further breakdown:
What are nutrients? Nutrients are essential elements that nourish the body in different capacities. We as humans get most of out nutrients from the food and water we ingest.
Now about Macro Nutrients: From the prefix "Macro" which means large, we can infer that macro nutrients are elements need by the body for the fundamental processes of the body, deficiency in this nutrients are very easy to spot. Examples are: Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats amd Water.
Micro Nutrients: In relation to macro nutrients this are elements that the body needs but are not needed in Large quantities. They mostly work like supporting nutrients. Most chemical activities like reaction that occur in the body are a function of micro nutrients. Defiencies in micrp nutrients may take some time to spot e.g Minerals and Vitamins
In regards to exercise: Macro nutrients are the essential ones here since they are the ones that generate energy. PS: micro nutrients dont generate energy.
In regards to rest: Both the Macro and Micro Nutrients are essentail for the overall well being of the body.
if ur mad you may drive faster if ur sad u may drive slower due to the amount of adrenaline and dopamine levels in your body in that given moment
See explaination and attachment.
Iteration method is a repetitive method applied until the desired result is achieved.
Let the given equation be f(x) = 0 and the value of x to be determined. By using the Iteration method you can find the roots of the equation. To find the root of the equation first we have to write equation like below
x = pi(x)
Let x=x0 be an initial approximation of the required root α then the first approximation x1 is given by x1 = pi(x0).
Similarly for second, thrid and so on. approximation
x2 = pi(x1)
x3 = pi(x2)
x4 = pi(x3)
xn = pi(xn-1).
please go to attachment for the step by step solution.
Specific cutting energy:
It the ratio of power required to cut the material to metal removal rate of material.If we take the force required to cut the material is F and velocity of cutting tool is V then cutting power will be the product of force and the cutting tool velocity.
Power P = F x V
Lets take the metal removal rate =MRR
Then the specific energy will be
If we consider that metal removal rate and cutting tool velocity is constant then when we increases the cutting force then specific energy will also increase.