4. describe three ways carbon dioxide was removed from the Earth's atmosphere.
Answer: Forests: Photosynthisis helps clear carbon dioxide naturally, Soils naturally store carbon, but agricultural soils are running a big deficit due to intensive use. Because agricultural land is so expansive, Bio-energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is another way to use photosynthesis to combat climate change. However, it is far more complicated than planting trees or managing soils — and it doesn’t always work for the climate.
5. Explain why there is now 21% Oxygen in the Earth's atomosphere compaired to little or no Oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere 4.5 billion years ago.
Answer: cientists believe that the Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. Its early atmosphere was probably formed from the gases given out by volcanoes. It is believed that there was intense volcanic activity for the first billion years of the Earth's existence.The early atmosphere was probably mostly carbon dioxide, with little or no oxygen. There were smaller proportions of water vapour, ammonia and methane. As the Earth cooled down, most of the water vapour condensed and formed the oceans.
Sorry its soooo long TwT
M(P)=3.72 g
M(P)=31 g/mol
m(Cl)=21.28 g
M(Cl)=35.5 g/mol
n(P)=3.72/31=0.12 mol
n(Cl)=21.28/35.5=0.60 mol
P : Cl = 0.12 : 0.60 = 1 : 5
PCl₅ - is the empirical formula
The standard enthalpy change for the reaction at
is -2043.999kJ
Standard enthalpy change (
) for the given reaction is expressed as:
![\Delta H_{rxn}^{0}=[3mol\times \Delta H_{f}^{0}(CO_{2})_{g}]+[4mol\times \Delta H_{f}^{0}(H_{2}O)_{g}]-[1mol\times \Delta H_{f}^{0}(C_{3}H_{8})_{g}]-[5mol\times \Delta H_{f}^{0}(O_{2})_{g}]](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=%5CDelta%20H_%7Brxn%7D%5E%7B0%7D%3D%5B3mol%5Ctimes%20%5CDelta%20H_%7Bf%7D%5E%7B0%7D%28CO_%7B2%7D%29_%7Bg%7D%5D%2B%5B4mol%5Ctimes%20%5CDelta%20H_%7Bf%7D%5E%7B0%7D%28H_%7B2%7DO%29_%7Bg%7D%5D-%5B1mol%5Ctimes%20%5CDelta%20H_%7Bf%7D%5E%7B0%7D%28C_%7B3%7DH_%7B8%7D%29_%7Bg%7D%5D-%5B5mol%5Ctimes%20%5CDelta%20H_%7Bf%7D%5E%7B0%7D%28O_%7B2%7D%29_%7Bg%7D%5D)
refers standard enthalpy of formation
Plug in all the given values from literature in the above equation:
![\Delta H_{rxn}^{0}=[3mol\times (-393.509kJ/mol)]+[4mol\times (-241.818kJ/mol)]-[1mol\times (-103.8kJ/mol)]-[5mol\times (0kJ/mol)]=-2043.999kJ](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=%5CDelta%20H_%7Brxn%7D%5E%7B0%7D%3D%5B3mol%5Ctimes%20%28-393.509kJ%2Fmol%29%5D%2B%5B4mol%5Ctimes%20%28-241.818kJ%2Fmol%29%5D-%5B1mol%5Ctimes%20%28-103.8kJ%2Fmol%29%5D-%5B5mol%5Ctimes%20%280kJ%2Fmol%29%5D%3D-2043.999kJ)
i’m in 7th grade but for this years science fair i did, “ how does temperature affect the elasticity of rubber bands”
Guide a growing plant through a maze.
8th Grade Science Plant Maze KiwiCo
Prove that plants really do seek out the light by setting up a simple or complex maze. This is a simple 8th grade science project with really cool results.
Blow out a candle with a balloon.
Blowing up a balloon with baking soda and vinegar is the classic acids and bases experiment. Take it a step further by experimenting with the carbon dioxide it produces. (Don’t be afraid of fire in the science
Stand on a pile of paper cups.
Combine physics and engineering and challenge 8th grade science students to create a paper cup structure that can support their weight. This is a cool project for aspiring architects.
hope this helps and have a wonderful day :)