<h2>Answer: Francium
Let's start by explaining that electronegativity is a term coined by Linus Pauling and is determined by the <em>ability of an atom of a certain element to attract electrons when chemically combined with another atom.
So, the more electronegative an element is, the more electrons it will attract.
It should be noted that this value can not be measured directly by experiments, but it can be determined indirectly by means of calculations from other atomic or molecular properties of the element. That is why the scale created by Pauling is an arbitrary scale, where the maximum value of electronegativity is 4, assigned to Fluorine (F) and the <u>lowest is 0.7, assigned to Francium (Fr).</u>
Firstly they have a acceleration downwards due the force downwards due they gravitational field acting on it's mass.
as it falls it gains speed, and as it gains speed the air Resistance which is a upward force actin on the drop increases, eventually the rain drop's upward and downward forces are balanced and hence there is no RESULTANT force therefore no acceleration, so the drops falls in constant speed (terminal verlocity is a better term)
Are you wondering that why is the raindrop still moving given that the forces are balanced? If so according to Newton's 1st law an object will keep moving or Remain at rest until a RESULTANT force acts on it.
It will do nothing. The forces are balanced and the ball's motion will not change
Taha xain malai ..........hhdd