Decimal. Decimal is the base-10 notational system for representing real numbers. The expression of a number using the decimal system is called its decimal expansion, examples of which include 1, 13, 2028, 12.1, and 3.14159.
See below
Step-by-step explanation:
r=0 means there is zero correlation between the independent and dependent variables. Most likely, some other regression model will help to bring the value of r closer to -1 or 1 to show a strong correlation.
Per minute value fee would be the slope of the line.
Step-by-step explanation:
Per minute charges by the phone company = $ 0.50
Connection fee (fixed) charged by company = $ 1.0
We have to represent the total cost in terms of y and also explain the slope of the line.
According to the question:
Let the number of minutes be "x" .
And the total cost charged be "y" .
The total cost = (No. of minutes)(Per minute charge) + Connection fee
Re-arranging in term of x and y.
⇒ ![total\ cost = (no.\ of\ minutes)(per\ minute\ charge) + connection\ fee](
...equation (i)
Slope- intercept form:
m is the slope and b is the y-is intercept.
⇒ Comparing equation (i) with the slope- intercept form.
and ![b=1](
The slope of the line is 0.50 which is also represented by the per minute value of the call.
Per minute value fee would be the slope of the line.
You can use a diffrent kind of ruler for math then you could find the answer.