Latitude :
runs: east to west
measures : distances north and south of the equator
Longitude :
runs : north to south
measures : the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian
Radio waves
Electromagnetic waves are produced by the oscillations of electric and magnetic field. They are transverse waves, which means that the oscillations occur in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave, and they are the only type of waves that can travel through a vacuum.
Electromagnetic waves are classified into 7 different types, depending on their frequencies. From lowest to highest frequencies, we have:
Radio waves
Visible light
Gamma rays
Radio waves are the electromagnetic waves with lowest frequency. They are used, for examples, for satellites, telecommunication, broadcasting.
on the first shell (ring) there will be 2 electrons
and on the 2nd shell there will be only one electron
while in the nucleus (the middle of the diagram) there will be 4 neutrons and 3 protons
you can see the picture attached
The momentum change of the system during the collision is always equals to one another.
<h3>Momentum change during collision</h3>
In a collision, the momentum change of first object is equal to and opposite of the momentum change of second object with which the first one collided. Or in other words, the momentum lost by first object is equal to the momentum gained by second object.
The total momentum of the system means the collection of two objects is conserved so we can conclude that the momentum change of the system during the collision is always equals and opposite to one another.
Learn more about collisions here: