Hydrogen maybe but I don’t know for sure
I don’t get it. What is the question asking?
#1- Identify a problem
#2- Collect info on your problem
#3- Make a hypothesis
#4- Design an experiment to test your hypothesis
#5- Collect data and observations
#6- Accept or reject your hypothesis
#7- Record results
Hope this helps.
The sum of total number of protons present in an element is known as atomic number of the element.
- As atomic number of Cs is 55.
And, it is known that for a neutral atom the number of protons equal to the number of electrons.
Since, no charge in present on given Cs atom it means that it is neutral in nature. Hence, number of protons and electrons present in Cs are 55.
- For Ba, it is also neutral in nature and atomic number of barium is 56. Hence, number of protons and electrons present in Ba are 56.
- For S, there is no charge on it so it is also neutral in nature. Atomic number of S is 16. Hence, number of protons and electrons present in S are 16.
Detail is given below.
All are the forms of matter.
Solid, liquid and gases are made up of ions, atoms and molecules.
They have shape and volume.
Molecules in Liquid and solid are closer to each others.
Liquid and gases can flow very easily.
Liquid and solid both can not compressed very easily.
Molecule of gases randomly move everywhere and occupy all available space but liquid and solid's molecules are not move as much easier as molecules of gases can.
The density of gases are very low as compared to the liquid and solid.
Gas molecules are at long distance from each other while in liquid and solid they are closer to each other.
The very weak inter molecular forces are present between gas molecules as compared to the liquid and solids.
Solids have definite volume and shape but liquid and gases acquire the shape of container.
In solids molecules are tightly pack and very close to each other while in liquid molecules are not tightly pack like in case of solid.
The densities of solids are also very high as compared to the liquid and gas.
There are very strong inter molecular forces are present between solid molecules.