Scientific form = 6.5 x 109.
A comet is the loose, icy body with a long, narrow orbit.
Comets are very small solar system body made mainly of ices mixed with smaller amounts of dust and rock. Most comets are not larger than a few kilometers across. The main body of the comet is called the nucleus, and it can contain water, methane, nitrogen and other ices. Their speeds vary depending on their orbits and where they are in it. The closer they are to the sun, the faster they are going.

g = Acceleration due to gravity = 
= Angle of slope = 
v = Velocity of child at the bottom of the slide
= Coefficient of kinetic friction
= Coefficient of static friction
h = Height of slope = 1.8 m
The energy balance of the system is given by

The speed of the child at the bottom of the slide is 
Length of the slide is given by

The force energy balance of the system is given by

The coefficient of kinetic friction is
For static friction

So, the minimum possible value for the coefficient of static friction is