In 1656, the Burgmeister (mayor) of the town of Magdeburg, Germany, Otto Von Guericke, carried out a dramatic demonstration of t
he effect resulting from evacuating air from a container. It is the basis for this problem. Two steel hemispheres of radius 0.430 m (1.41 feet) with a rubber seal in between are placed together and air pumped out so that the pressure inside is 15.00 millibar. The atmospheric pressure outside is 940 millibar. 1. Calculate the force required to pull the two hemispheres apart. [Note: 1 millibar=100 N/m2. One atmosphere is 1013 millibar = 1.013×105 N/m2 ]
2. Two equal teams of horses, are attached to the hemispheres to pull it apart. If each horse can pull with a force of 1450N (i.e., about 326 lbs), what is the minimum number of horses required?