Each of the prefixes means a different thind:
Nano means 0.000000001
Kilo means 1000
Milli means 0.001
Centi means 0.01
Out of these four, the biggest is b: 1 kilogram
this is basically structure of iso cyanic acid
Answer: D. A buildup of mostly methane gas, which is pontentially explosive.
Firedamp refers to a gas mixture, largely methane, that appear in underground coal mines. It is explosive at concentrations between 5 and 10% in the air.
Answer: The products of electrolysis are Zn(l) and
Electrolysis of a subastance is breaking it into its constituents by the action of electrical current.
In the electrolysis of molten zinc chloride, zinc metal is produced at the cathode which is a negative electrode and chlorine gas produces as the anode which is a positive electrode.
At anode :
At cathode :