Ok, pick some idea from here
it should be rising and converging
The force of gravity
Gravity was studied, by early scientists such as Copernicus and others, Galileo was the first to ensure that planets moved according to a physical equation that depended on a force that caused celestial bodies to move and interact with each other. But years later Newton based on studies conducted deciphering what Galileo assumed, he was able to find the equation of the force of gravity in any body in the universe. This equation depends on the masses of the two interacting bodies, the distance between them and a constant, which I call universal gravitation constant.

Fg = gravity force [N]
G = universal gravitation constant = 6.67*10^(-11) [N*m^2/kg^2]
m1 = mass of the 1st body [kg]
m2 = mass of the 2nd body [kg]
r = distance between the bodies [meters]
it will move towards the object's magnetic south
The compass pints towards the earth geographic north because the magnetic south of the earth's magnetic field is located in there, if you placed such compass neaar the piece of ferromagnetic material, the magnetic field produced by the magnet will make the compass needle point towards its south magnetic pole, in the same fashion as it points to the earth's magnetic south. It will point to the object's south pole because the magnetic field will be stronger than the earth's (which is weak) that is because of the way magnetism works, opposite poles are attracted and similar poles will tend to separate from each other