There are 60 seconds in one minute
565900 / 60 = 9431.667 minutes in 565,900 seconds
There are 60 minutes in an hour
9431.667 minutes / 60 = 157.9144 hours in 565900 seconds
There are 24 hours in 1 day
157.9144 hours / 24 hours = 6.5498 days.
See below.
Aqueous copper chloride reacts with sodium hydroxide aqueous solution to give a precipitate (solid) of copper hydroxide and aqueous sodium chloride.
Answer is: c) CAM.
CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) is a carbon fixation pathway.
In plants with CAM carbon fixation, carbon dioxide is stored as the malic acid malate in vacuoles at night.
During the daytime, the malic acid is transported to chloroplasts where it is converted back to carbon dioxide, which is then used during photosynthesis.
Malic acid is an organic dicarboxylic acid with the molecular formula C₄H₆O₅.
Harry Hess in 1961 resurrected Wegener's continental drift hypothesis and also he mantle convection idea of Arthur Holmes by postulating the theory of sea floor spreading.
- After Wegener's postulation of the continental drift hypothesis, not much was done.
- It was only around 1931 that Arthur Holmes came up with the idea of a convecting mantle.
- After the second world war passed, new instruments were used to investigate and map the ocean floor.
- Through this, Arthur Holmes came up with the idea of a spreading sea floor.
- This gave a full gleam picture to the idea of a moving earth and the more accepted terminology of "Plate tectonics " came to the fore.
Learn more:
Sea floor spreading
Continental drift