(a) Chlorine the first row Is 1s the second is 2s followed by 2p...etc as Chlorine has 17 electrons
Black holes are merely the most exotic example of the general principle that ... quantum computer stores bits on protons and uses magnetic fields to flip them. ... Powered by Standard Model software, the universe computes
Explanation:because they are mostly exotic
In ideal solutions, the interactions between solute - solvent are approximately the same as those of solute - solute and solvent - solvent, that is the interactions are to be practically indistintiguishable after disolution.
The moment we have a release of energy (the solution feels warm) we are to conclude that there are strong interactions between the water and methanol molecules so we would expect the solution to be non ideal.
The reason for the interactions is the presence of hydrogen bonds between methanol and water.
It is not directly over a flame because it depends on the substance you might not want to heat it too much.you never know what could happen
Im pretty sure a cinder-cone volcano