Precisely around 1,800 miles below.
The work of Brian mind interface is to learn that’s my guess lol
Approximately .
Since the result needs to be accurate to three significant figures, keep at least four significant figures in the calculations.
Look up the Rydberg constant for hydrogen: .
Look up the speed of light in vacuum: .
Look up Planck's constant: .
Apply the Rydberg formula to find the wavelength (in vacuum) of the photon in question:
The frequency of that photon would be:
Combine this expression with the Rydberg formula to find the frequency of this photon:
Apply the Einstein-Planck equation to find the energy of this photon:
(Rounded to three significant figures.)
Most of the problem depends on which object you observe. For the speed, take the absolute value of the derivative of the polynomial interpolation of position verses time.