Both America and Kenya have a high level of possible crop damage by insects. America is able to afford insecticides and the research to go with it, to control the pests. In Kenya farmers rotate their crops as much as possible (not always possible) and this helps in reducing the risk of pests. Also Kenyan farmers often grow rice in adjacent fields with sweet potatoes; this has reduced the weevil infestation level in sweet potatoes. The same technique can be used using sweet potato, intercropped with millet and sesame.
Have a nice day
When an object reflects all light, you will see white light.
I think yes
sorry i havent done these type a questions in a while
A Wooden Spoon is your answer because metal attracts heat more, so it would get hotter.
The wooden spoon would not, so you would use that.
Glad I could help, and good luck!
How about putting one battery in the freezer while putting another by a radiator or something that gives off heat. Leave them for an hour, then place them in an object that uses batteries and time how long it takes for it to die: Note: It may take many hours for the battery to fully deplete.