Decreases, stays the same, increases.
The volume decreases because as air is cooled, the individual molecules collectively possess less kinetic energy and the distances between them decrease, thus leading to a decrease in the volume they occupy at a certain pressure (please note that my answer only holds under constant pressure; air, as a gas, doesn't actually have a definite volume).
The mass stays the same because physical processes do not create or destroy matter. The law of conservation of mass is obeyed. You're only cooling the air, not adding more air molecules.
The density decreases because as the volume decreases and mass stays the same, you have the same mass occupying a smaller volume. Density is mass divided by volume, so as mass is held constant and volume decreases, density increases.
Here is the rule for see-saws here on Earth, and there is no reason
to expect that it doesn't work exactly the same anywhere else:
(weight) x (distance from the pivot) <u>on one side</u>
is equal to
(weight) x (distance from the pivot) <u>on the other side</u>.
That's why, when Dad and Tiny Tommy get on the see-saw, Dad sits
closer to the pivot and Tiny Tommy sits farther away from it.
(Dad's weight) x (short length) = (Tiny Tommy's weight) x (longer length).
So now we come to the strange beings on the alien planet.
There are three choices right away that both work:
(400 N) in the middle-seat, facing (200 N) in the end-seat.
(400) x (1) = (200) x (2)
(200 N) in the middle-seat, facing (100 N) in the end-seat.
(200) x (1) = (100) x (2)
On one side: (300 N) in the end-seat (300) x (2) = <u>600</u>
On the other side:
(400 N) in the middle-seat (400) x (1) = 400
and (100 N) in the end-seat (100) x (2) = 200
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . <u>600</u>
These are the only ones to be identified at Harvard . . . . . . .
There may be many others but they haven't been discarvard.
Sometimes may cause involuntary responses like twitching
Where is the rest .........