During electron capture, an inner electron usually from K shell or L shell combines with proton of the nucleus thereby changing proton to neutron. The process of electron capture is also accompanied by the emission of neutrino. It generally occurs in proton rich nucleus. The capture of electron by the proton creates a hole in the electron shell. The hole created is generally filled by the dropping down of a higher level electron with the emission of X -ray.
Answer is explained below:
Your feet rub electrons off the carpet so, when we walk on carpeted floor more electrons move into our body and this is because of static electricity. Static electricity is stationary electric charge, generally produced by friction.
Not sure how to show crisscross method
Make sure adding the charges together=0 and multiply the elements when necessary to balance charge
Los metales son materiales que se obtienen a partir de minerales que forman parte de las rocas. Por ejemplo, el metal hierro se extrae de minerales de hierro como la magnetita o la siderita.