It is true that a physical change occurs when a material changes shape or size, but the composition of the material does not change. The correct answer is True.
Ans- A, causes sediments in aquifers that are emptied to compact and the ground above it to sink.
This is one of the major problems for California nowadays. Due to excessive groundwater pumping to satisfy the demand of huge population the aquifers are drying, hence compacting and for that the land above sinks.
Wavelength times frequency = speed of light
7.5E14 x wavelength = 300,000 m/s
Wavelength in meters = 300,000 divided by 7.5E14
The object's mass is around 69.592 kg
8977.7 kg/m^3
Volume of water displaced = 55 cm^3 = 55 x 10^-6 m^3
Reading of balance when block is immersed in water = 4.3 N
According to the Archimedes principle, when a body is immersed n a liquid partly or wholly, then there is a loss in the weight of body which is called upthrust or buoyant force. this buoyant force is equal to the weight of liquid displaced by the body.
Buoyant force = weight of the water displaced by the block
Buoyant force = Volume of water displaced x density of water x g
= 55 x 10^-6 x 1000 x .8 = 0.539 N
True weight of the body = Weight of body in water + buoyant force
m g = 4.3 + 0.539 = 4.839
m = 0.4937 kg
Density of block = mass of block / volume of block
Density of block = 8977.7 kg/m^3