
From the exercise we know two information. The real speed and the experimental measured by the speedometer

Since the speedometer is only accurate to within 0.1km/h the experimental speed is

Knowing that we can calculate Kinetic energy for the real and experimental speed

Now, the potential error in her calculated kinetic energy is:

Atom A and atom C are the same element.
Can you please translate to English?
The Sun has a north and south pole, just as the Earth does, and rotates on its axis. However, unlike Earth which rotates at all latitudes every 24 hours, the Sun rotates every 25 days at the equator and takes progressively longer to rotate at higher latitudes, up to 35 days at the poles. This is known as differential rotation.
Don't you worry, 'cause everything's gonna be alright, ai-a'ight
Be alright, ai-a'ight