and james west is ALIVE
1 - Skull
2 - Mandible
3 - Scapula
4 - Sternum
5 - Ulna
6 - Radius
7 - Pelvis
8 - Femur
9 - Patella
10 - Tibia
11 - Fibula
12 - Metatarsals
13 - Clavicle
14 - Ribs (rib cage)
15 - Humerus
16 - Spinal column
17 - Carpals
18 - Metacarpals
19 - Phalanges
20 - Tarsals
21 - Phalanges
Choice A.
Nearness to a body of water causes an increase in humidity, due to the higher rate of evaporation.
The correct answer is letter b.
To find the answer follow the following steps.
1. 6524.96 x .25 = X
2. 1631.24 = X
This works for all of the given answers to find the correct answer.
The speed downwards is 7 + (3*9.8)
7+ 29.4 = 36.4 m/s