1. Create a text file that contains blade diameter (in feet), wind velocity (in mph) and the approximate electricity generated for the year
2. load the data file for example, in matlab, use ('fileame.txt') to load the file
3. create variables from each column of your data
for example, in matlab,
4. plot the wind velocity and electricity generated.
plot(x, y)
5. Label the individual axis and name the graph title.
title('Graph of wind velocity vs approximate electricity generated for the year')
xlabel('wind velocity')
ylabel('approximate electricity generated for the year')
Task 1 time period = 200ms, Task 2 time period = 300ms
Task ticked =
→ 5 times
Task 2 ticked =
→ 3 times
At 600 ms → 200ms 200ms 200ms
300ms → 
Largest time period = H.C.M of (200ms, 300ms)
= 600ms
Sum of forces in the x direction:
∑Fx = ma
Rx − 250 N = 0
Rx = 250 N
Sum of forces in the y direction:
∑Fy = ma
Ry − 120 N − 300 N = 0
Ry = 420 N
Sum of forces in the z direction:
∑Fz = ma
Rz − 50 N = 0
Rz = 50 N
Sum of moments about the x axis:
∑τx = Iα
Mx + (-50 N)(0.2 m) + (-120 N)(0.1 m) = 0
Mx = 22 Nm
Sum of moments about the y axis:
∑τy = Iα
My = 0 Nm
Sum of moments about the z axis:
∑τz = Iα
Mz + (250 N)(0.2 m) + (-120 N)(0.16 m) = 0
Mz = -30.8 Nm
hshdhriwjajaldh skshdjdywuusg