The interdependence of agriculture and industry helps the development of both the sectors. The most important aspect of this inter dependence is that the products of one serve as important inputs for the other. Growth of one sector, thus means ample supply of inputs for the other.
Following are the responses to the given points:
For question 1:
Butanoic acid, butane, and butanone are also the three chemicals most dissolve in water. Its intermolecular force forces are produced by carboxylic acid functional groups with water.
For question 2:
Butanoic acid is a rancid buffer.
Methanoic acid is responsible for the stinging red ants
For question 3:
Methyl butanoate's chemical structure.
Transpiration is the progression of <em>water </em>inside a plant! So, the molecule representing transpiration is going to be good ol' H2O! =)
Use your head or a formula website.
Answer: Millard Reaction
Explanation:The yummy process, called the Maillard reaction, packs the cookie with riche taste