ans is (2) 2,4- hexadiene
1. Turn off lights.
2. Unplug devices your not using.
3. Change filters on your heating system.
4. Dry laundry on a clothes line.
5. Take shorter showers.
6. Cover bare floors.
7. Put on a sweater to use your AC less.
8. Ride a bike and not drive a car.
9. Use smart power strips
10. Replace light bulbs
because you add 6 and 6 and 12 to get it
According to Le-chatelier principle, equilibrium will shift towards left to minimize concentration of and keep same equilibrium constant
In this buffer following equilibrium exists -
So, is involved in the above equilibrium.
When a strong base is added to this buffer, then concentration of increases. Hence, according to Le-chatelier principle, above equilibrium will shift towards left to minimize concentration of and keep same equilibrium constant.
Therefore excess amount of combines with to produce ammonia and water. So, effect of addition of strong base on pH of buffer gets minimized.
She would be 150 on the moon because the moon has half the mass of earth