1. Define <em>Viscosity</em>
In physics, <em>Viscosity</em> refers to the level of resistance of a fluid to flow due to internal friction, in other words, viscosity is the result of the magnitude of internal friction in a fluid, as measured by the force per unit area resisting uniform flow. For example, the honey is a fluid with high viscosity while the water has low viscosity.
What are the main differences between viscous and inviscid flows?
Viscous flows are flows that has a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid, contain and conduct heat, does not have a rest frame mass density and whose motion at a fixed point always remains constant. Inviscid flows, on the other hand, are flows characterized for having zero viscosity (it does not have a thick, sticky consistency), for not containing or conducting heat, for the lack of steady flow and for having a rest frame mass density
Furthermore, viscous flows are much more common than inviscid flows, while this latter is often considered an idealized model since helium is the only fluid that can become inviscid.
A. National Highway Safety Act
The National Highway Safety Act establishes general guidelines concerning licensing, vehicle registration and inspection, and traffic laws for state regulations. The act was made in 1966 to reduce the amount of death on the highway as a result of increase in deaths by 30% between 1960 and 1965
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act regulates vehicle manufacturers by ensuring national safety standards and issuance recalls for defective vehicles
Uniform Traffic Control Devices Act defines shapes, colors and locations for road signs, traffic signals, and road markings
needless to say, I took the quiz