
Glucose reacts with oxygen do produce carbon dioxide and water:

Given a daily mass of glucose:

Find moles of glucose:

From stoichiometry of this equation, moles of carbon dioxide can be found by multiplying this amount by 6:

Convert this into mass using the molar mass of carbon dioxide:

This is the mass of carbon dioxide per person per day. Multiply by the population and by the number of days to get the total mass:

Physical change
Step by step explanation;:)
H2(g) +C2H4(g)→C2H6(g)
H-H +H2C =CH2→H3C-Ch3
2C -H bonds and one C-C bond are formed while enthalpy change (dH) of the reaction,
H-H: 432kJ/mol
C=C: 614kJ/mol
C-C: 413 kJ/mol
C-C: 347 kJ/mol
dH is equal to sum of the energies released during the formation of new bonds or negative sign, and sum of energies required to break old bonds or positive sign.
The bond which breaks energy is positive.
432+614 =1046kJ/mol
Formation of bond energy is negative
2(413) + 347 = 1173 kJ/mol
dH reaction is -1173 + 1046 =-127kJ/mol
Minerals physical characteristics are hardness,luster,the way it’s solid and chemical would be the way the color changes and it’s density