Mine tailings be stored and disposed of carefully since they
contain a lot of chemicals that are very toxic that leaches into aquifers, and
they also runoff in the rainwater into streams and lakes.
Tailings, also
called mine <span>dumps, culm dumps, slimes, tails, refuse,
leach residue or slickens, are the materials left over after the process of
separating the valuable fraction from the uneconomic fraction (gangue) of an
No. "Shuttle" has been pretty much used to indicate shuttling
between Earth and Earth-orbit.
The devices that have tooled around on the surface of Mars
have been referred to as "rovers". That was also the nickname
of the buggy on which the Apollo astronauts moved around on
the Moon in the early 1970s ... the "lunar rover".
<span>A material through which a current does not move easily is called
an insulator.
Technically, charges CAN move through an insulator, but they lose
a lot of energy doing it, so the current that flows through the insulator
is very very small, usually too small to even measure.
Another way to look at it: Insulators have high resistance.
94.82 nm
We have given that wavelength 
We have to find the minimum film thickness that produces the least reflection
minimum thickness is given by 
here n is given n=1.45
so minimum thickness 
so the minimum film thickness will be 94.82 nm
60,000 meters. no explanation