The resultant<span> is the vector sum of 2 or more vectors. It is the conclusion of adding 2 or more vectors together. If </span>displacement <span>vectors A, B, and C are added together, the result will be vector R.</span>
The angular acceleration is zero
When an object is in rotational motion, it has a certain angular velocity, which is the rate of displacement of its angular position.
This angular velocity can change or remain constant - this is given by the angular acceleration, which is:

is the change in angular velocity
is the time elapsed
Therefore, the angular acceleration is the rate of change of angular velocity.
In this problem, the bicycle rotates at a constant angular velocity of

This means that the change in angular velocity is zero:

And so, that the angular acceleration is zero:

De los reptiles, anfibios; pájaros, peces; mamíferos y artrópodos, los que más se asemejan en características son los pájaros y los mamíferos porque ambos son de sangre caliente y no varia independientemente de en qué ambiente se encuentre