<span>c. remains the same
As electrical energy is converted into heat energy, the total amount in the system remains the same
according to law of conservation of energy
1. Lanthanum-139 atom is the stable isotope of lanthanum with relative atomic mass 138.906348, 99.9 atom percent natural abundance and nuclear spin 7/2.
2. In fact, over 80% of electric cars sold globally utilized permanent magnet-based motors in 2019. These magnets are typically made with rare-earth materials such as neodymium and dysprosium, which have a very geographically constrained supply chain.
3. It is the second most reactive of the rare-earth metals after europium. Lanthanum oxidizes in air at room temperature to form La2O3. It slowly reacts with water and quickly dissolves in diluted acids, except hydrofluoric acid (HF) because of formation of a protective fluoride (LaF3) layer on the surface of the metal.
2) Gas molecules do not have preferred direction of motion, their motion is completely random. 3) Gas molecules travels in straight line. 4) The time interval of collision between any two gas molecules is very small. 5) The collision between gas molecules and the walls of container is perfectly elastic.
Any property that is measurable, whose value describes a state of a physical system.