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so larger bsttery or small resistor can increase the current value.

From the conservation of mechanical energy

Solve to velocity v2

The frictional force is directly proportional to the force that is perpendicular on the surface.
When the body is placed on a horizontal level with zero inclination, the only force acting on the body is the gravitational force which always pulls the body down. The gravitational force, in this case, is the perpendicular force to the surface. Accordingly, this entire force is used to generate friction
Now as the inclination of the surface increases, the gravitational force is no longer the perpendicular force of the body, its value decreases, which means only a part is used to generate frictional force. Consequently, frictional force decreases.
When the inclination reaches 90 degrees, the gravitational force does not act along the normal and accordingly, no friction force is generated.
- The rate of the Diels-Alder is orders of magnitude faster if there is an electron-withdrawing group on the dienophile. For example, replacing a hydrogen on ethene with the electron-withdrawing group CN results in about a 10^5 increase in the reaction rate.
- Other common electron withdrawing functional groups that will accelerate the Diels Alder reaction of dienophiles include aldehydes, ketones, and esters.
- In short, any functional group conjugated with the pi bond which can act as a pi acceptor will accelerate a Diels-Alder reaction with a typical diene.
- See attachment for graphical explanation.