Static Friction
It is the friction that exists between a stationary object and the surface on which it's resting.
Sliding friction
It is the resistance created by two objects sliding against each other.
Rolling friction:-
It is the force resisting the motion when a body rolls on a surface.
hope this helps x
When a electric current is passed through an insulated wire that is coiled around an iron core, like a nail, an electromagnet is created.
Personal space differs from culture to culture, though it is widely acknowledged that Europe and U.S have bigger personal space requirements that their counterparts in Asia.
Hakeem might not realize it but it’s commonly accepted for Americans to have a distance between four to twelve feet between one another in social settings, especially in professional ones. A distance of two feet is only acceptable if the individual is part of the person’s inner circle, such as friends and family.
Fortunately, 'force' is a vector. So if you know the strength and direction
of each force, you can easily addum up and find the 'resultant' (net) force.
When we talk in vectors, one newton forward is the negative of
one newton backward. Hold that thought, while I slog through
the complete solution of the problem.
(100 N forward) plus (50 N backward)
= (100 N forward) minus (50 N forward)
= 50 N forward .
That's it.
Is there any part of the solution that's not clear ?