Time to pass the train=0.05 h
How far the car traveled in this time=4.75 Km
We have that the train and the car are moving in the same direction, the difference between the speed of the vehicles is:

We will use this difference in the speed of the car an train to calculate how much time take the car to pass the train. For this we have that the train is 1km long and the car is moving with a speed of 20km/h (we use this value because is the speed that the car have in advantage of the train) then for a movement with a constant speed we have:

Where x is the distance, t is the time and v is the speed. using the data that we have:

This is the time that the car take to pass the train. Now to calculate how far the car have traveled in this time we have to considered the speed of 95Km/h of the car, then: