I think the correct answer is the first option. It has nonpolar bonds and a symmetrical structure. The structure of a BF3 molecule shows a symmetrical trigonal geometry. The net dipole moment of the molecule is zero therefore it is polar.
By taking away research funds if certain standards ar not met
Water is water and not dirt because its from the cloud s that makes rain also air is water because it was water and then started to get hot and steamy so tired to a gas and then tired to air
When two plates push against each other shear stress will happem because they move in opposite directions. In this case the force of the stress pushes some of the crust in different directions. When this happens, a large part of the crust can break off, which makes the plate size smaller.
A substance through which an electrical current flows poorly would be said to be a poor conductor. That is, the substance has a low conductance (or conductivity). There’s a nuance between the two terms, but it shouldn’t matter for our purposes.
Since such a material resists the flow of electric charge, the material can be said to have a high resistance (or high resistivity).
Mathematically, resistance and conductance are reciprocals of one another; a low conductance implies a high resistance, and a high conductance implies a low resistance.