Best Answer
1 mole of a substance contains 6.022x10^23 "units" of that substance.
So 0.187 mol of Na+ is 1.13x10^23 ions (6.022x10^23 x 0.187).
The number of mol is: 0, 042 mol in 4 grams of MgCl2
We calculate the weight of 1 mol of MgCl2:
Weight 1mol of MgCl2= weight Mg + (weight Cl)x 2=
24, 3 grams + 2 x 35, 5 grams = 95, 3 grams/mol MgCl2
95, 3 grams------1 mol MgCl2
4 grams -------x = (4 grams x1 mol MgCl2)/ 95, 3 grams= 0, 04197 mol MgCl2
An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current. Electromagnets usually consist of wire wound into a coil. A current through the wire create a magnetic field which is concentrated in the hole, denoting the center of the coil
Table salt = ionically bonded molecule, sodium transfers one valence electron to chloride, NaCl
Table sugar = covalently bonded molecule
Sorry, that’s all I know.