... chloride, calcium, potassium, and zinc was signifi- ... of cow and goat milk pasteurization on element retention ... certified American Chemical Society (ACS);. Whatman ... goat milk. Table 2 gives the content of 17 elements of ... found .0026 rag/100 g in raw and .0024 mg/100 ... mg/100 g chloride content (27) and another.
Answer: it consists of two simple machines: a lever and a wheel and axle. Effort is applied to the lever by picking up the handles of the wheelbarrow.
Colloidal dispersion or emulsion
The colloid of a liquid in liquid (both dispersed phase and dispersion medium are liquids) is known as emulsion or colloidal dispersion.
We know that oil and water are immiscible liquids. In order to make them miscible we have have add emulsifying agents.
An emulsifying agent has a long non polar hydrocarbon chain (in general) and a polar head.
For example salts of fatty acids.
The polar head is hydrophilic and non polar tail is hydrophobic.
It causes the miscibility of the two polar and non polar liquids
Layers of rock that bend can produce a downward fold known as a syncline.
This is the type of fold that occurs with the younger layers of rocks remaining closer to the center of the structure. Synclines can be recognized by the fact that the youngest layers of rocks always remain near the folds center.
Hope this helped..