air, water, sunlight
A limiting factor may be defined as a environmental condition or a resource that can limit the plant growth as well as distribution or the abundance of an organism or its population within the ecosystem. The ability of any plant species to grow and spread throughout any geographic area is the direct result of the adaption to its biotic and abiotic components of that region.
Some of the factor that affect the plant growth are : sunlight, air, proper temperature, moisture, nutrients, wind,etc.
The lack of the any one of the above essential component will determine the health of the plant.
The SAME number of molecules are in ANY “mole” of a compound or element. So, you only need to ... 24 g116 g/mol=0.207 moles of FeF3.
If a piece of charcoal is taken and set on fire it will evolve CO2 and heat. Charcoal is solid but carbon dioxide is gaseous. This is an example of change of state and evolve of heat during chemical reaction.
a) Aqueous LiBr = Hydrogen Gas
b) Aqueous AgBr = solid Ag
c) Molten LiBr = solid Li
c) Molten AgBr = Solid Ag
a) Aqueous LiBr
This sample produces Hydrogen gas, because the H+ (conteined in the water) has a reduction potential higher than the Li+ from the salt. Therefore the hydrogen cation will reduce instead of the lithium one and form the gas.
b) Aqueous AgBr
This sample produces Solid Ag, because the Ag+ has a reduction potential higher than the H+ from the water. Therefore the silver cation will reduce instead of the hydrogen one and form the solid.
c) Molten LiBr
In a molten binary salt like LiBr there is only one cation present in the cathod. In this case the Li+, so it will reduce and form solid Li.
c) Molten AgBr
The same as the item above: there is only one cation present in the cathod. In this case the Ag+, so it will reduce and form solid Ag.