The fuel Uranium is the basic fuel and Moderator controle rods coolant pressure vessel or pressure tubes steam genorator contanmentor sheild bam boom pow ya dun
<span>Match the basic components of a nuclear reactor with their descriptions.
1. slows down neutrons
moderator - This is the substance that slows down fast neutrons and makes them slow neutrons which are easier to capture by the atomic nuclei so that the fission reaction can continue.
2. absorb emitted neutrons
control rods - These are rods made up of a substance that easily absorbs neutrons. Their purpose is to slow down or shut down the reaction.
3. mass of unstable atoms
nuclear fuel - The entire point of a nuclear reactor is the capture the energy released by the fission of unstable atoms. So this mass of unstable atoms is the fuel for the nuclear reactor.
4. concrete and lead enclosure
shield - This is the enclosure that prevents radiation from escaping into the general environment.
5. energy transfer medium
coolant - Since the purpose of a nuclear reactor is to generate usable energy, the coolant extracts heat from the fissioning core and that heat is generally used to boil water which in turn is used to operate turbines that power electrical generators.</span>
Glaciers break rocks because of the thawing and icing of water in rock crevices. These rocks get carried in the glacier. The glaciers move because the base of the glaciers melts ever so slightly due to the weight of the glacier above (pressure reduces the melting point of ice). This smoothens the slipping of the glaciers . When the glaciers get to a warmer place, it melts and the rocks in it are deposited.