Answer: compound
Element is a pure substance which is composed of atoms of similar elements.It can not be decomposed into simpler constituents using chemical reactions.Example: Copper
Compound is a pure substance which is made from atoms of different elements combined together in a fixed ratio by mass.It can be decomposed into simpler constituents using chemical reactions. Example: water
Mixture is a substance which has two or more components which do not combine chemically and do not have any fixed ratio in which they are present. Example: Air
This is known as the coefficient factor
Explanation:The balanced equation makes it possible to convert information about one reactant or product to quantitative data about another element.
Dispersion forces
Relative molecular mass
Alkanes experience only dispersion forces. Dispersion forces increase with increasevin the relative molecular mass of the compounds. Hence a higher relative molecular mass implies greater dispersion forces and a greater boiling point.