If you are pushing the coin across the table at a constant rate, the friction of the table and the horizontal force of your hand pushing are equal, and the coin itself moves at a constant rate. If you push a coin and let it go, there is no horizontal force keeping the coin going. Friction slows the coin to a stop. In both cases, the gravitational downward pull of Earth is equally but oppositely resisted by the upward push of table on the coin.
Molarity and molality both describe the concentration of a substance in terms of moles.
Molarity describes the number of moles of a substance per unit of volume, typically per liter (mol/l).
Molality describes the number of moles per unit of mass, typically kilograms (mol/kg).
When determining the molality of a solution, mol/kg can be obtained by finding the number of moles in the substance, and dividing that number by the the total weight in kilograms of that substance.
When determining the molarity of a solution, mol/l can be obtained by dividing the number of moles in a substance by the total volume in liters of that substance.
It is called a surface wave (rayleigh wave) that transmits its energy with the wind blowing onto its surface.Hope this helps
Answer:Water Only
vessel is insulated therefore no heat can be added or removed i.e. heat exchange is zero
If hot water at
is mixed with cold water at
then at equilibrium vessel contains only water and final temperature of water will be between
Heat released by hot water is equal to heat gain by cold water .
Given parameters;
Time taken to complete a lap = 8.667s
Radius of flower = 13.9cm
convert to SI unit of m, 100cm = 1m
13.9cm gives
= 0.139m
Unknown = speed
To solve this problem, we need to first find the circumference of the flower.
Circumference of the circular flower = 2 π r
where r is the radius of the flower;
Circumference = 2 x 3.142 x 0.139 = 0.87m
Now to find the how fast the bug is travelling,
Speed = 
Since the bug covered 1 lap, the distance is 0.87m
Now input the parameters and solve for speed;
Speed =
= 0.1m/s
The bug is travelling at a speed of 0.1m/s