When cooled by liquid nitrogen, the balloon shrinks (not as much as the air-filled balloon) and it sinks down on the table. When heating up, the balloon slowly rises and flies up in the air again. Explanation 1: The volume of the balloon decreases by the low temperature, because the gas inside is cooled down.
Because plastic products are durable, they can last for a long time. This makes them affordable because they do not have to be replaced often. On the other hand, the popular use of plastics means that many plastics are thrown away. Plastics litter the ocean, causing harm to marine birds and mammals. Plastic breaks down into plastic dust, which can last for up to a thousand years.
The number of atoms in one mole of any substance is measured by Avogadro's number. The value of Avogadro's number is 6.023 x 10 ^23. It is named after scientist Avogadro who proposed this number. 12 grams of carbon-12 represents 1 mole of carbon-12. For this reason, the number of atoms present in 1 mole of any substance is 6.023 x 10 ^23. Therefore, the number of atoms present in 1 mole carbon-12 is 6.023 x 10^23.
(Answer) This unit is the number of atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12 and known as Avogadro's number.