Ep = 3924 [J]
To calculate this value we must use the definition of potential energy which tells us that it is the product of mass by the acceleration of gravity by height.

Ep = potential energy [J] (units of Joules)
m = mass = 40 [kg]
g = gravity acceleration = 9.81 [m/s²]
h = elevation = 10 [m]
![E_{p} =40*9.81*10\\E_{p} = 3924 [J]](
Stars are made of very hot gas. This gas is mostly hydrogen and helium, which are the two lightest elements, star is in a delicate and fragile balance between gravity, which would collapse the star to a point, and its internal pressure caused by the energy of the nuclear fusion reaction in the core. When a star's fuel has been spent, it explodes into a giant fireball known as a supernova.. I really hope this helps!!!!
That will depend on which course you're talking about. It will be a minor role in, say, Maritime Law or Comparitive Religion, but a major one in, say, Particle Physics or Linear Algebra.