Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force which is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The forces along the line joining the centre of the two objects.
❍ Let us consider two masses m1 and m2 line at a separation distance d. Let the force of attraction between the two objects be F.
According to universal law of gravitation,


Combining both, We will get

Or, We can write it as,

Where, G is the constant of proportionality and it is called 'Universal Gravitational constant'.
☯️ Hence, derived !!
EC_1 + EP_1 = EC2 + EP_2
EC_2 = 0
EC_2 = EP_1 - EP_2
EC_2 = mg(H_1 - H_2) = 0.20 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * (3.25 m - 1.5m) = 3.43 J
When sphere A and B are brought in contact and separated, charge on each sphere becomes [2x10^-6 + (-4x10^-6)]/ 2 = -1x10^-6 C.
That is, charge is equally separated and is the average of charges on both spheres. The reason behind equal charge on both spheres after separation is, when they are kept in contact, their potential difference becomes same.
Evolution of sexual production
Work is (force) times (distance). For Amy, you know both of them, and you can easily multiply them to find the amount of work. For Joe, the distance is zero, which should tell you all you need to know.